

Top 18 Fun Social Media Marketing Ideas to Spice Up Your Social Media Campaigns


It can be challenging to come up with social media ideas when you're short on time. And if you work in marketing and are responsible for increasing your brand's social media presence and generating ROI, you understand how important it is to provide top-notch content. So how do you strike a compromise between the need for great content and the obligation to provide results?

You prepare. Your social media calendar should always be at least one week ahead of schedule and be chock-full of ideas for content that will establish your company as one that users will want to engage with and follow.

Top 18 Fun Social Media Marketing Ideas to Spice Up Your Social Media Campaigns

It's common knowledge that brands need to appear "human" to gain followers on social media. However, this rule poses two difficulties for many organizations.

First off, does being human require you to produce "feel-good" stuff unrelated to metrics? Second, can you actually produce ROI utilizing "feel-good" content to expand your social presence? tough inquiries In our opinion: Content that makes you feel good is necessary, but positioning it wisely is key. You'll see that while some of the social media campaign ideas we'll provide fall into the "feel-good" category, they can all be used to help you get results.

Planning your campaigns well will allow you to incorporate the greatest concepts and personalize them. Here are our top 18 social media suggestions.

1. Use Video

Social media is exploding with videos! It has evolved into the go-to technique for increasing audience engagement. Video is also more popular as a medium than other post forms.

However, using video is more difficult than simply shooting and posting. You’ve got to organize your material and get creative.

We advise you to storyboard your concepts. By doing this, you can make sure that your film is compelling and well-structured.

Video is fantastic because it can be used to communicate anything. It could seem a little awkward at first as you dip your toes in the water, but with more practice and knowledge you'll be able to consistently produce more video.


2. Tag a friend

Social media posts with tags are incredibly powerful. They play on people's desire to be accepted as responsible members of society.

Include an incentive when you write your tag a friend posts to strengthen them. For instance, if you own an ice cream shop, you might hold a contest where you choose two friends who would each get a free ice cream sundae.


3. Discounts, Coupons, and Deals

Deals, discounts, and coupons will always attract attention on social media. Making ensuring your offers are truly worthwhile is the key to operating successful promotions. Otherwise, not many, if any, followers will bite.

Try to go a step further when creating your discount offer by driving traffic to a sales page. Make a user path that leads to revenue instead of just displaying the discount offer.

Pro tip: If you employ this social media strategy on Instagram but don't have any money for ads, put a link to your buy page in your bio.


4. Run a Competition

When properly arranged, competitions can draw large crowds much as discounts and coupons do. There are several excellent reasons to hold a contest, with audience growth coming in first.

Make sure you know how you'll measure your progress when you plan your own. It's simple to compare follower growth before and after the competition but think about going a step further with your study.

Check your new followers out in person to see if you can identify any commonalities.

Pro tip: If you want to do something special and make money, send a private message to each new follower thanking them for entering and offering them a deal on a connected product.

5. Partner With a Brand

A clever strategy for non-competing companies to develop together is cross-pollination. If you can create a compelling offer for the audience you're being exposed to, partnering with also works effectively. This will help you draw attention, keep it, and have a powerful payoff.


6. Run a Poll

Utilizing polls is a great approach to increasing social media participation. People enjoy expressing their thoughts and having their voices heard. However, you may improve yours by leveraging the results to create an offer rather than just using polls to increase interaction.

For instance, if you handle social media for a restaurant, you could survey your fans to see which food and drink pairings they prefer. When the results are in, you'll be able to tell that the winning combination, if offered as a special, has a good chance of succeeding.


7. Live Stream

Live streaming, like video, is likewise increasing at a rapid pace. Because it's easier to communicate with brands directly through mobile devices, more people are tuning in. Additionally, since this is a video, you may market and express nearly anything using it.

Include a compelling call to action for your audience if you want to get the most out of your live feeds. A link to a longer movie, a report, or a manual may be included. The goal is to convert social media traffic into funnel leads.


8. Share From Behind the Scenes

It's worth trying out the growing trend of sharing what goes on behind the scenes. The audience gets a sense that your organization is more than simply another corporation as a result of the layers that behind-the-scenes content reveals between them and your brand. It also has the impression of being unique to viewers.

Using this social media strategy, you may also provide your followers a glimpse of your team, giving your company a more "human" appearance and feel.


9. Create Instructional Videos

It goes without saying that tutorials are excellent material. Contrary to popular opinion, they are not only used by influencers in the fields of cuisine and beauty. You are able to make lessons for your company's name, goods, and services.

Hoopla Media teases its fans with a sneak peek at a fresh instructional on interview lighting in the example below.


10. Produce Native Ads

People frequently develop numbness to advertisements. It occurs. But people frequently gravitate toward great and intriguing content, which is why native ads are so effective.

These 7 suggestions from Adroll can assist you in creating effective native ads:

  • Know what you want your viewers to do after viewing your advertisement.
  • Make every interaction with your followers important.
  • Personalize your advertisement to appeal to your target market.
  • Instead of writing to sell something, write as you would speak.
  • By utilizing your brand name, you can create a connection between it and the deal.
  • To make your message basic and understandable, avoid using jargon.
  • Don't forget to include a clear call to action.


11. Host an AMA

Another excellent technique to show a more human side of your brand is through an AMA (ask me anything) session. Your host should ideally be someone who has the time, expertise, and experience necessary to respond to inquiries.

Can an AMA be linked to ROI?

Most people would believe that it is either impossible or not true. However, if you have enough imagination, you may include a unique deal with the AMA event. Most social media networks let you "pin" things to the top of your feed, which is a terrific way to keep the offer in the spotlight while the AMA is running.

It's important to remember that those who will inquire are probably thinking about a solution similar to yours. Before making the purchase, they might also need to clarify any remaining uncertainty. Therefore, positioning your brand for ROI by introducing an offer.


12. Run a Social Takeover

The concept behind a social media account takeover is straightforward: collaborate with an influencer who will post material on your account for the following 24 hours.

Additionally, both parties stand to benefit a great deal. You will be exposed to the influencer's audience as a brand, and the influencer will earn more authority as a result.


13. Place Your Customers in the Spotlight

On social media, showing customer appreciation may go a long way. It's the kind of material that attracts potential customers to brands.

Here are some suggestions if you're wondering how to include customer appreciation in your campaign calendar:

Prioritize it: Make a document with all the wonderful customer success stories you have.

Schedule and plan your postings: Make a point of scheduling your posts and keeping a few ready to go at all times.

Put a call to action in there: Instead of merely responding thank you, present your brand as approachable and willing to assist potential customers like the one you just commended.


14. Interview Someone

For a good reason, your audience supports your brand. There's a good likelihood that they've grown fond of your thing. Additionally, there is a significant probability that they are considering more than just purchasing your goods and services.

What is the use of this? Organize an interview.

Through interviews, you may delve deeper into the issues that your target audience and ideal consumers face as they move through the buying cycles. Make sure to select the best applicant for the interview when you give these difficulties.

Look for a combination of popularity and experience. This will assist you to generate interest and result in an interview with valuable information for your audience.

You'll be able to determine how effective this kind of material is for your brand after you've conducted your interview. By posting the interviews as videos on all of your social media profiles, you can also reuse the interviews.


15. Run a Social-Exclusive Deal

A more straightforward strategy to generate ROI is to run a social-exclusive deal. Additionally, you create a sense of scarcity by making your deal only available to your audience.

Here are 4 suggestions for ensuring the success of your social-exclusive deal:

  • Identify a clear offer that your audience will be interested in.
  • Emphasize the expiration date of the deal
  • Before launching it, promote it to increase interest.
  • To get your audience interested in the sale, create supporting social media postings.

16. Get Nostalgic

Everybody enjoys a little nostalgia, especially when it's skillfully incorporated into a social media message. When it comes to reminiscing about their brand and the famous toys created in the beginning, Lego does a fantastic job.

Lego received over 35,000 likes and 476 comments for this post.


17. Repurpose Video and Long-Form Content

Reusing content is a wise move. It enables you to strike a compromise between the need to create pertinent, on-brand content and run campaigns that yield a return on investment.

However, repurposing content calls for originality. To avoid giving your audience material fatigue, you must be able to elaborate on ideas.

Gary Vaynerchuk is well known for creating a tonne of material. One piece of pillar material may be divided into up to 30 pieces of content for his social media accounts as part of his team's strategy.


18. Share Brand and Product Milestones

Milestones for brands and products should be honored. To build interest and make an impact, make them pertinent to your audience when you do this, though.

Budweiser made a poignant video in response to the retirement of basketball legend Dwyane Wade. Wade made it a point to trade jerseys with NBA greats during his final season.

Budweiser used the idea to recognize Wade for his contributions off the court. They gathered the individual’s Wade assisted in overcoming adversity. Each guest brought a gift as a show of appreciation.

To make this social media strategy successful, you don't need an NBA star or a budget as big as Budweiser's. All you want is a little imagination. Share the human side of your company and the impact it has had using your achievements.

Use Holidays

Holidays are frequently the ideal justification for brands to launch social media promotions. Additionally, you may use any holiday, which is wonderful news!

 Choosing National Puppy Day was Best Buy. Although the post appears subdued at first glance, there is something remarkable going on.

A new smartphone has been cleverly positioned by Best Buy and associated with a popular pastime: filming puppies playing.

It can be difficult to come up with concepts and material for social media. It is challenging to capture creativity due to the complexity added by busy schedules and the requirement to satisfy KPIs.

However, it is possible to continuously provide top-notch content. Prepare your social media material in advance. Planning makes sure you always view your content as a chance to interact with your audience and present them with a compelling offer.



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