

What are some effective strategies for increasing social media engagement?


Strong social media interaction is a sign that you're having an impact on the market for contemporary brands with an online presence.

Making genuine connections with current and potential consumers will help to strengthen your brand (and ROI) both online and offline. It's not just about seeming popular.

To learn how to establish, manage, and measure social media engagement and all of its business benefits, continue reading.

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What is social media engagement?

Consider hosting a party where a large number of guests showed up but did nothing but sit quietly. There should be no small chat, dancing, talks, or dubious drinking games. Was the event truly successful? The RSVP list is impressive, but did your visitors enjoy themselves? Are they enjoying your dip?

Every social platform needs activity and engagement to create a favorable brand experience and foster deep connections with current and prospective customers.

Various measures are used to quantify social media engagement, some of which may be as follows:

  • Shares or retweets
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Followers and audience growth
  • Click-throughs
  • Mentions (either tagged or untagged)
  • Using branded hashtags

Essentially, social media engagement grows whenever someone engages with your account and may be measured in a number of different ways. Here is a link to our comprehensive list of social media indicators and instructions for tracking them.

How to increase social media engagement? 

Even while you might just cross your fingers and hope that your followers start chatting on their own, chances are that they could require some motivation.

Fortunately, there are many strategies you can use to increase interaction and make your online party lively.

To learn how to establish, manage, and measure social media engagement and all of its business benefits, continue reading.

Social media advertising is a form of digital marketing that involves sending sponsored advertisements to your target audience through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


1. First, analyze your engagement

If you don't know where you started, it's difficult to measure your advancement.

Put on your data scientist hat (it looks amazing on you) and make a note of your current number of followers, the average amount of comments and shares you receive every post or any other figures that are important to you.

Then, make sure to continue tracking frequently so you can notice any increases or decreases in interaction that may provide you with crucial hints about what is (or, more importantly, is not) working.

Using these social media analytics tools might help you get started faster.


2. Select your strategy

Of course, there isn't a fix that works for everyone. Every organization's social media strategy will differ since every company has various commercial objectives.

The engagement goals of Tiffany and Co. and Domino's Pizza will be extremely different from one another, and this will affect the type of material they publish.

Both Domino's and Tiffany's tweets are interesting in their own unique ways. Domino's is attempting to establish a young, entertaining, and strange brand voice, while Tiffany wants to inform on its rich design heritage.

Your social media engagement objectives could include any of the following, based on what works best for your brand and what your company offers:

  • Changing how people view your brand
  • developing new client leads
  • gathering opinions on new products
  • Providing your audience with tips and resources

3. Know your audience

If you don't know your audience, it's challenging to engage them in conversation.

A skateboarding company's preferred language, tone, and resources are probably going to differ from a gardening supplies store. (Except for any nasty grannies out there grinding.)

Learn all there is to know about your target market by reading our guide to conducting audience research.


  • Knowing your target market can also enable you to:
  • What social media sites to be on
  • When to publish
  • Type of content
  • Brand voice

4. Create and share valuable content

You're ready for the crucial third "W," "what the heck do I tell them," now that you know who is following you and why you want to connect with them.

Important content is that which meets the demands and problems of the audience. Rather than "broadcast," think "dialogue."

It will be more difficult to connect if all you talk about is how fantastic your brand is or what you have to offer.

For a t-shirt manufacturer, sharing images of your most recent design will only get you so far; in contrast, sharing style advice for dressing up a t-shirt to wear to a wedding is a unique service you can provide for your fans. (And challenging your fans to post their own "wedding tee stories"? Better still.)

In this Sephora post, the cosmetics firm made a game out of asking its fans to vote for their favorite masks using the hashtag #wouldyourather.

It's useful to know what kind of material works best for each network in terms of format, such as artistic photographs for Instagram, lengthy text posts or videos for Facebook, etc.

Given that, don't be hesitant to use your imagination while coming up with post ideas:

  • Contests
  • Asking questions
  • Polls
  • Encouraging your audience to ask you questions (try an “Ask Me Anything” session)
  • Test their knowledge
  • Media upload contests
  • Animated gifs
  • Spotlighting customers
  • Custom stickers or filters for Instagram Stories

In general, watching and learning are the greatest ways to determine what content is effective. Become a content scientist (cute new headgear!). Experiment, gauge the response, make adjustments, and try again.

5. Stay topical

Unsure of what to talk about in conversation? Just participate in an ongoing discussion. A great technique to quickly connect with an audience in a timely manner is to comment on current events and trends in a way that ties in with your business.

Viral memes, major sporting events, holidays, and popular culture trends can all serve as excellent justifications for posts.

6. Keep the conversation flowing

Some people may view conversation as an art, but when it comes to volleying questions and attention back and forth, it's actually more like a sport.

You also need that reciprocity when you're online. It's crucial for brands to engage consumers both reactively and proactively.

Responding to direct messages, incoming mentions, or comments is what reactiveness entails.

Being proactive allows you to initiate conversations with those who may be speaking about you but haven't necessarily messaged you directly. I love La Croy!" or "can I plz marry an McD's breakfast sandwich" are two examples of possibly misspelled brand names they've used to refer to you. In either case, take advantage of this chance to introduce yourself.

HBO will be able to monitor activity even from fans (or, ahem, global media conglomerates) who are too thrilled to spell check if they have searches set up for both #GameofThrones and #GameofThornes.

Simply set up search streams on your Hootsuite dashboard to keep track on such oblique mentions so you don't miss an opportunity to continue the conversation.


7. Show your human sign

When you believe there is a genuine person on the other end, it is far more appealing to interact with a brand. And it exists! (…Right?) Don't hide it, then.

Many companies require their social media team to manually approve each post before it goes live. You might even develop a cult following if you're really endearing, just like the security guard at The Cowboy Museum who ends each of his messages with the words "Thanks, Tim." (PS: Click here to view the Fridge-Worthy episode honoring Tim.)

However, there are many other methods to get personal than names:

  • Retweets, likes, and comments are not enough to start a dialogue.
  • Recognize and respond to inquiries
  • React to criticism with warmth or humor
  • Display the brand's human resources through images or videos.


8. Keep response times speedy

You can write responses to frequent questions in advance using Hootsuite's Saved Replies feature. When a FAQ is posed to you, you'll be prepared with a well-thought-out response.

Okay, so this would seem to contradict the earlier advice to "display your human side," but bear with me. A prompt answer can boost client satisfaction and free up your team's time so they can offer additional assistance (and the personal touch) elsewhere.

Additionally, by drafting your responses in advance, you will have plenty of time to ensure that the tone is as affable, helpful, and pleasant as you desire.

However, if you don't want to, you aren't even required to write them yourself. If you respond to enough questions of the same kind, Hootsuite will propose responses based on your prior responses (kind of like the Google suggested reply feature in G-Chat). You can be sure they will still sound natural and on-brand because they are based on your prior responses.


9. Schedule smarter

To keep your material current and active in the social streams, post frequently—ideally one to three times per day. It's crucial to post at the proper moment every day to ensure that your adorable hedgehog meme receives the most exposure possible.

Although you can't be at your computer all the time (trust us, we've tried), you can use scheduling applications like Hootsuite to prepare your posts in advance.

Consider designating a time period (daily or weekly) for post creation and scheduling, and another regular time session for responding to comments both proactively and reactively. After that, it's finished for the day, and you may concentrate on the remaining tasks (or laugh at other hedgehog memes).


Several other dashboard tools will help you increase productivity and make sure you monitor engagement:

  • Stream: Instead of monitoring each social network separately, use streams in your dashboard to view all incoming messages from all of them at once.
  • Lists: For simple monitoring and proactive interaction, create Twitter lists based on particular businesses, occasions, or hashtags and set each one up in a stream.
  • Tags: Positive interactions can be marked and tracked with this tool, making it simple to include them in your weekly or monthly reports.

10. Think beyond the feed

Although shares and comments are wonderful public displays of interest, there are other ways to know that your audience is paying attention.

Make sure you treat them well (and keep track of those statistics) because private chats like direct messages or story interactions are also excellent examples of an engaged audience.

What are some social engagement examples?

Likes, comments, responses, shares, and link clicks are all examples of social media involvement. Additionally, the algorithms of some platforms track how long users spend viewing material, whether they follow an account after viewing it, and how they use purchasing capabilities (e.g. if they click through to a product page).

The legalmarketing concept often comprises strategies for business expansion and efforts to draw in new clients in order to increase sales.





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