

What are the best times to post on social media for a small business?


The best times to post on social media are when your audience is online and most likely to engage with your material when they see it in their feed. The appropriate timing of your content posting on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn will increase interaction from the intended audience and result in more comments, likes, and shares as well as increased click-through rates.

A timely post on any social media platform can be quite effective in promoting your company. For this reason, learning how to advertise your business on social media is crucial. Even the most attractive content won't work if it is published at the incorrect moment when no one will read it. To get the most out of social media for your business, you should research the optimum times to publish on them.

Based on our expertise and years of testing by some of the most well-known social marketing platforms, like HubSpot and Buffer, we will explain in this brief article when it is ideal to post on social media. Test your social media channels, look at what we've found to be effective for our clients, and develop a social media strategy that will truly work for you and produce results. One of the most crucial components of it will be the publishing timetable.



We wish we could tell you the one time that is ideal for posting across all social media platforms. The fact is that no single, ideal solution exists for all enterprises. Every business is unique, and different audiences use social networks in different ways. As a result, the optimum days and times for you to publish on social media will depend on the nature of your company and the online behaviors of your followers.



Know who your target market is? They, who? Who lives there? How behaves your audience? Have they any pastimes? Do you understand their issues and difficulties? What is their age? Which social media platforms do they use? Do they browse social media on computers or on their phones? Learn about your audience, collect statistics, and take that knowledge into account while making your own publication schedule and social media plan.



Consider the geographic location and time zones of your audience when experimenting with posting times. Local small businesses don't need to worry about adjusting to multiple time zones. The most crucial thing for you to do is to target the audience you wish to draw from one or more specified regions.

However, you should pay attention to what we have to say about this if your company caters to customers who live in various cities and time zones. For instance, if you want to reach people across the United States, attempt to alternate posting times in the Central and Eastern time zones as more than 75% of Americans live in these regions. But if your target audience is from outside the United States, be sure to figure out where they live, what time zone they are in, and what hours they are typically active. Then, modify your posting schedule to coincide with their location and peak social media activity.

Remember that consistency is the key in this situation. In order to effectively gauge results, you must consistently upload the same or related content.


Instagram is a social media site designed specifically for mobile use. Instagram is used daily by half of all American users, whether they are posting or simply browsing. Numerous studies have found that users interact with the content of the accounts they follow more frequently on the weekends and during their free time.

Is Friday a good Instagram posting day?

According to some research, posting on Instagram is most effective from Monday through Friday from noon to 1 pm. Some claim that Monday and Thursday, at any time other than 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., are the highest performing days on Instagram. Some people discovered that nighttime posts between 8 and 10 pm had the highest results. For the majority of sectors, 3 pm to 4 pm is the worst time to post on Instagram. On Sundays, there is no ideal time to post to Instagram. Avoid publishing on Instagram on Sundays if you want the best results from each post. For a higher degree of participation, if you must still do it, make sure to do it from 10 am to 2 pm CDT.

However, none of these outcomes have to be the ideal moments for you and your company to post on Instagram. For instance, we discovered that weekends between 3 and 4 pm, as well as after that, are the greatest times for our clients who work in the kitchen and bath industries. The best time to enjoy magnificent kitchens and other works of interior design is when people are unwinding and relaxing.

The key is to experiment and determine when it would be best for you to post on Instagram. Check the analytics using Instagram's Audience Insights function. Increase engagement by uploading videos to Instagram at any time between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.



Users of Facebook check in from both desktop computers and mobile devices, as well as from both home and the office. No matter if it is the daytime or the weekend, almost 71% of them access Facebook every day. The audience itself, though, determines how they use Facebook.

On Facebook, some people noticed that posting between 1 and 4 PM on Thursdays and Fridays resulted in the highest click-through rates. Others have discovered that publishing on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. yields the best results. Monday at nine is the ideal time to post. Try to post between noon and 1 pm on weekends if your audience is active. Early in the morning on weekends before 8 am and late in the evening after 8 pm are the worst times to post on Facebook.



The bulk of our clientele work in the kitchen and bathroom remodelling and home improvement industries. Their readership is also quite active on Pinterest in addition to Instagram. On any workday, we discovered that the worst time to publish on Pinterest is during working hours. Target evenings and weekends when your audience is unoccupied and relaxed to engage them. Additionally, late Friday afternoons display the best performance in terms of Pinterest posting. Saturday and Sunday are the greatest days to post on Instagram, particularly Saturday from early in the morning at 8 am until late in the evening at 11 pm.



People use Twitter, a particular social media platform, as a form of a digital newspaper. They go through the most popular tweets and hunt for news. In addition to using their phones and desktop computers, Twitter users also use their commutes to and from work as well as other downtimes to visit the site.

With these findings in mind, it is safe to claim that any time between noon and 6 pm on a workday is the optimum time to post on Twitter. Even though Sunday ranks last among the weekends, the ideal times to post on Twitter are at 11 am and from 1 to 4 pm. Do you intend to promote consumer goods on Twitter? Think about Saturday at 1 PM then.

This range includes both lunchtime and the commute home after work. Around 3 o'clock, clicks and retweets may be at their peak.

You might observe slightly different outcomes based on whether your company is a B2B or B2C operation. For this reason, it's crucial to be cautious and just use the information provided here as a guideline. Examine several Twitter posting times to see which are most effective for your particular type of business.



It makes sense to invest in LinkedIn if your company is a B2B one. Post just during workdays, ideally on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the middle of the week. Target the slow periods, such as the morning and evening commutes and the lunch hour.


You can begin doing your own experiments now that you are aware of the ideal times to post on social media. And keep running them since social media algorithms are constantly changing, as are the behaviours of your target audience. Find the most effective periods for you to post on social media, and never stop examining what your competitors are doing. You can determine the optimal times to publish on social media more quickly and easily by looking at when they receive the most likes, shares, reactions, and retweets.

To be able to track the outcomes for each publishing time and each network you utilise, establish social media reports when experimenting with different posting times. You will be able to develop a passionate, substantial Instagram audience by figuring out what the best times are to post on the platform.

You can speak with our social media experts if you want additional details on the best times to publish on Instagram. Persist Digital may assist with administration, social media strategy, and social media advertising. Find the Social Media Management Service that best suits your needs by browsing through our selection.

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