

Top 6 Social Media Platforms that boost your Brand Exposure


You should think about utilizing social media for the development of your business since it has become a crucial component of our daily lives. Your brand promotion will benefit from developing a marketing strategy, and social media activity should be included in. 

In 2020, there were more than 3.6 billion social media users globally, and by 2025, that number is projected to rise to 4.41 billion. Social media is not just used for pleasure; many well-known, respected businesses utilize it to raise ROI and CTR, increase brand awareness and loyalty, and engage with customers.

In this post, we'll talk about the top 6 social media networks that may make your business successful and flourish on the more than 100 social media platforms that are utilized by people worldwide.


The Reasons to Use Social Media for Business


Businesses that choose to incorporate social media advertising into their business plan can reap a number of rewards. Let's concentrate on the three primary positive attributes:


1. Increase Brand Awareness

Your chances of being recognized by the general public are increased through social media participation. People will remember your logo if they come across high-quality material that features eye-catching photographs or vibrant films showcasing your product or service, giving you an advantage over rival businesses whose names they are less familiar.


2. Boost Customer Engagement 

We must remember that social media sites are designed to facilitate conversation. Therefore, having an employee who will converse with clients would be fantastic. Make your promotions compelling so that potential customers can't help but visit the profile and learn about the appealing aspects of your company. A person in charge of communication will then respond to all their inquiries and assist with the transaction.


3. Enhance Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization enables the official website of your company to show up in the top results on Google. Due to the audience's behavior on your accounts, including comments, likes, shares, and general involvement with your material, it will be possible. Your chances of appearing higher in search results are inversely correlated with the amount of activity on your page.

Best Social Media Platforms for Business


1. Facebook – 2.7 Billion Monthly Users

The most widely used social media network in the world is regarded as the best tool for promoting businesses in its industry. The basis for this popularity is the everyday usage of Facebook by about 1.85 billion people globally. Furthermore, 69% of adults in the US have Facebook accounts. All of this makes it simple for firms to identify and target their potential customers.

Business owners can implement their marketing strategies using both free and paid methods. Visit the official Facebook for Business website to learn more insightful advice on this subject. Use Facebook to connect with a large audience and spread your message.


2. YouTube – 2.2 Billion Monthly Users

A well-known audio-visual search engine is another excellent social media channel for promoting your company.

Every month, 2 billion individuals use YouTube for enjoyment, with the majority of them preferring it for instruction. Additionally, this social media network aids firms in audience engagement through video content. A terrific place to start is YouTube, where 54% of consumers want businesses to contribute more video content.

People are more likely to become familiar with your business when it is represented visually, which motivates them to learn more about it and eventually purchase it. Consider that this website makes it simple to produce high-quality videos; use the tool to promote your business on YouTube.


3. Instagram – 1.2 Billion Monthly Users

Statistics show that Gen Z uses Instagram at a rate of 67%, Millennials at 57%, and Gen X at 38%. Therefore, Instagram is unquestionably the channel to use to communicate with the younger demographic, who are visual learners.

Instagram astounds businesses with the chance to submit original images and produce engaging content. In addition to adding significant text to accompany each photo, don't overlook the impact that hashtags will have on the success of your brand. By the way, 90% of Instagram users claim to follow updates from business accounts. Remember that the popularity of your brand will depend on your activities, which may include sharing tales, streaming live videos, and interacting with other businesses by liking, mentioning, and tagging them, among other things.


4. Pinterest – 442 Million Monthly Users

High-quality photographs are a necessity for your business advertising on Pinterest and are the primary requirement. Remember that engaging photographs spread like wildfire, so take care to include a link to your website so people can learn more about your business's advantages.

There are over 442 million active users throughout numerous nations who readily part with their cash for the deals they discover on social media. Businesses must provide eye-catching photos because Pinterest is one of the most lucrative advertising platforms. To effectively use the suggestions in your marketing strategy, you can become familiar with the various sorts of visual material.


5. Twitter – 353 Million Monthly Users

These days, the 280-character tweets on this microblogging social media site are incredibly popular since they spread like wildfire. To draw in more readers and raise the degree of activity on your page, you might include hashtags in your tweets. To engage more potential customers, your marketing approach should involve daily multiple Twitter postings.

Twitter's 93% openness to engagement with brands enables them to get to know their customers better and build enduring relationships with them.

To avoid stumbling blocks on your path to success, learn more about the processes involved in the strategic marketing process. Additionally, you may promote, distribute, and track your content for free with the Click to Tweet tool.


6. LinkedIn – 260 Million Monthly Users

This social media channel is suitable for sharing professional content, such as your brand's objectives and triumphs. Over 260 million active monthly users from 200 different countries are all represented by LinkedIn, and many of them are highly qualified professionals. Therefore, making contacts is your first priority, and LinkedIn Groups are ideal for this.

If you work in the B2C sector, LinkedIn's fascinating aspect is that you are more likely to meet partners there than clients. This social media-specificity is to blame since it encourages users to use the site for learning rather than for fun and amusement. If you're a small business owner in need of expert marketing support, you must visit your LinkedIn Business Page.



You can now understand how important social media platforms are too active entrepreneurs who are trying their best to succeed. Select one of the most well-regarded platforms available, and don't forget to be active and inventive.

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