

Top 12 Social Media Trends in 2022 You Should Know


The social media landscape is always evolving. Based on user appeal and future expansion, social channels' features are always changing and evolving. For marketers searching for fresh, inventive methods to connect with their target audience, this constant change also offers a fantastic opportunity. An effective marketing strategy must pay attention to the social media trends that are predicted to take off this year.

Let's start by addressing the major issue. The use of social media is rising and expanding steadily. With more than 4.65 billion active users, a 7.5% increase over the number of people reported the year before. This indicates that 58.7% of the global population uses social media. Without a doubt, the massive increase in social media users may be attributed, at least in part, to the pandemic that began in 2020. People are spending more time on their favourite social media platforms, according to the data.

This is fantastic, right? A larger market share can be targeted if there are more users. As all the work is focused on a select few effective social media outlets, it also implies more competition. Which can lead to budget overruns, content saturating, and user engagement fatigue. So let's examine where your marketing efforts should be concentrated.


Social Media Trends to Watch Out For in 2022


You will stand out and broaden the reach of your brand, your market, and user interaction by utilizing the following social trends.


1. Live streaming

Youtube Live was one of the first services to completely demonstrate the possibilities of live broadcasting, closely followed by Twitch. Today, live streaming is a function that can be found on all the major social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Additionally, it is a well-liked feature since 1 in 5 Facebook videos are live broadcasts. You may be wondering what the appeal is as a result.

Currently, live streaming offers a chance to communicate with others while keeping the advantages of social engagement at a safe distance. Additionally, it offers a chance for your marketing plan. You could, for instance, host a webinar or a platform showcase and interact with potential customers there. Another fantastic idea is to conduct service tutorials and Q&A sessions or work with partners to create a shared event that delivers helpful content to a shared user base. Because of this, one of the most common areas of development nowadays is video streaming.

2. Short video & Instagram Reels

Speaking of video material, it goes without saying that Youtube continues to be the market leader. Particularly so for the 92% of marketers who believe it to be an essential component of their marketing plan. The popularity of videos has only grown as major social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn enhance their video functionality to keep up with the escalating demand and emerging trends.

But as TikTok has gained popularity, an intriguing trend has developed over time. Younger audiences have started to become somewhat accustomed to short-form videos. This movement is being driven by Generation Z, but other groups are also emulating it. And it is obvious why short, interesting videos are so popular. They are inexpensive to produce and simple to make, which produces some excellent user-generated content.

Instagram added Instagram Reels, a condensed version of the longer video format, to its site. Despite the fact that their primary audience is different, they have also witnessed an increase in popularity for this kind of video "microcontent." This material trend will only grow as people's attention spans shorten from generation to generation. For instance, influencers utilize these little videos to advertise partner goods and services to their audiences.


3. Micro influencers and their effectiveness

This year, the trend of influencer marketing is going to be even more significant. Your brand marketing plan will be determined by collaborating with influencers to their audience as more and more consumers shop online. Influencer marketing is a successful social media marketing tactic, but it may be expensive.

The price has skyrocketed and well-known influencers are demanding a premium price when promoting a company as a result of the sudden exposure on social media. Smaller companies would thus lose access to a significant market share. This is why it could be preferable to get in touch with smaller influencers in your particular area.

Macro influencers struggle to interact with their followers since they have such large followings. On the other hand, micro influencers have more engaged audiences despite having smaller viewership. They are also more affordable to partner with. Your firm may benefit more from collaborating with a number of smaller influencers who are more suited for the relevant market.

4. Social commerce on the rise

Go to where your clients are, or better yet, arrive first and open a store. Facebook and Instagram have that in mind, at least. They introduced social commerce alternatives on platforms initially. They had the right idea, given the gradual shift to online buying and the influx of new, active users. Therefore, if they haven't already, the Facebook Shop and Instagram Storefront will undoubtedly rank among the most popular features on their respective networks.

Consumers in the modern day are better informed than before. They have done extensive studies on your brand and product. This method of doing business, therefore, has a lot of promise. For potential clients, convenience is key. This entails gathering information about you and your service in one location as 54% of consumers use social media to do product research. Customers are influenced by how your brand is presented, including customer feedback and interactions, which facilitates speedier decision-making and purchases.

Another crucial factor to take into account is the likelihood that this trend will continue to spread as other social media platforms begin to experiment with comparable features and approaches to provide businesses with additional sales venues. Which will put them in line with the audience's expectations and the objective of businesses: acquiring new customers.


5. Social networks for customer service

Social media platforms have come a long way from their early days as straightforward platforms for connecting users and facilitating content sharing. Another puzzle piece begins to fall into place with their adoption for commercial use. It only makes natural that the next step would be to employ social media platforms for customer support as well, especially as commerce becomes an increasingly important component of them.

In order to handle possible concerns as soon as they arise, it is critical to have open lines of communication with your customers. What better way to communicate with them than by utilizing a feature that is already in place and allows for nearly instantaneous back and forth between you and your users? Additionally, when businesses publicly address customers and help them out.


6. Personalized ads on social media

More than half of firms intend to increase their social media advertising budgets because paid advertising is effective. It's hardly surprising that Instagram will receive the majority of social media ad spending given the expanding trends on social media, which are centered on video and graphic material. Not to mention the increase in audience the platform has seen recently.

A rise in ad traffic and content promotion will also be seen on Facebook, Youtube, and LinkedIn. According to Hootsuite, marketers claim that these channels help them the most in achieving their professional objectives. And they work well for various forms of business expansion.

To increase your visibility and conversion rate with regard to ad content, you will need to exercise a little creativity. To stand out, employ user-generated material and social proof. Additionally, you want to concentrate on producing transient content that vanishes after a short while. Due of how nicely it fits into the FOMO marketing notion (fear of missing out).

7. Social listening & brand involvement

You must be aware of what is going on in the proverbial social circles. Keep up with the discussion so you may join in and actively participate in what your audience is discussing. However, conversing with multiple people at once can be chaotic, and you risk losing track of what was being discussed. Particularly when interactions are taking place simultaneously in various locations. You're covered by Mediatoolkit, so don't worry.

Social listening has a variety of applications. For instance, you want to be present when your brand is mentioned, especially if a customer has a concern or a query. A prompt and friendly response enhances your brand's reputation more than any advertising could. However, you can also be proactive by anticipating emerging topic trends and observing how people respond to them. This goes beyond only being reactive.

Competitive analysis is an excellent reason why social listening should be a part of your marketing plan. Keep an eye on other companies in your market to observe how they are connecting with customers. What they are doing well and how you might improve your social behavior. Additionally, learn which social media platforms they frequent to locate new markets and customers for your own brand.

8. Tight-knit communities

At least not for everyone, the sudden rise in social media users isn't all that terrific. Some people are looking for alternative communication methods as the loudness progressively starts to bother them. preferably in more intimate settings where they may freely produce and distribute information among like-minded individuals. Smaller audiences yet high levels of involvement are found in these micro-communities.

It is clear that Facebook and LinkedIn were well-suited to capitalize on this trend. Due to people's social orientation and desire to communicate with others, Facebook Groups saw an increase in the number of groups, which almost precisely matches the current global situation. Businesses are interested in establishing a presence in this social media movement as well.

You may take advantage of this by simply focusing your audience's attention on a certain aspect of your brand or product. Take criticism, provide worthwhile material, obtain insightful information, and lead the conversation with your audience. Giving your followers and clients a sense of community will strengthen your brand.

9. Rise of social justice and brand involvement

More and more businesses are deciding to join the public conversation on social media about political, social, and environmental issues. This could be an audacious marketing ploy or genuine engagement, both of which could alienate a certain audience section. More than half of social media users, particularly younger users, favor the business activism trend and want to see your brand take a stand on contentious issues.

Take a look at how a global company like Nike integrates social marketing into its marketing strategy to address issues of social justice and injustice. They have measured the response and publicity their campaign will produce, so you can be sure of that. However, this decision was well received by their audience. as seen by the rise in sales figures and the favorable viral response. That is because they are aware of their audience and have produced material that speaks to their interests and problems.

This can also help your brand become more approachable by integrating it with content on a subject close to your clients' hearts. Their devotion to you and your brand may grow as a result of it. Just be cautious while handling a delicate subject and make sure your actions are appropriate for your target audience.


10. Connecting social media and email marketing

The distinctions between various digital marketing channels are blurring. Marketers aim to close the gap between them so they may collect as much data as they can and use it wisely. As a result, a multichannel strategy has been developed with the intention of delivering users a wholly immersive brand experience. Setting and maintaining a brand tone, as well as coordinating your social media and email efforts, are necessary for this marketing plan to succeed.

Using them for distinct objectives is a smart method to mix the two channels. While email marketing prioritizes conversion, social media platforms are wonderful for increasing audience interest in brands and raising brand exposure. A cross-channel campaign, such as a social media gift in exchange for signing up for your email newsletter, is an excellent place to start.

You may also do it the other way around by sharing a segmented email list on social media to increase user engagement and attract new ones. You can use Facebook Custom and Lookalike Audiences. Your ad retargeting campaigns can gain from this as well.

11. Augmented reality

You've probably seen individuals add computer filters to their real-world images. You might refer to those as augmented reality effects. In essence, augmented reality (AR) enhances and modifies real-world visual content to make it stand out on social media. Particularly with younger audiences, it's a highly well-liked feature. However, the popularity of augmented reality on social media goes beyond cute eyeglasses and bunny ears.

Facebook and Instagram users now have better social purchasing experiences thanks to AR. Although only a few different product kinds are now supported, the technology offers a large potential for the consumer sector.

Its continued popularity is to be predicted given that all you need is a smartphone and the advent of social commerce. Marketers are beginning to include augmented reality (AR) into their social outreach operations as a result of the technology's rising popularity.


12. Virtual reality

The VR trend isn't developing as quickly as AR, and consumer acceptance is steady but slow. It will only gain momentum as one of the best technological advances that can offer a completely immersive engagement. The cost is another factor preventing VR from progressing. Any new technology eventually makes its way into the mainstream and is used more widely.

Given Facebook's support in terms of both hardware and content, you can be confident that virtual reality has a feature. Although virtual reality gaming is the current focus of the technology, it is safe to conclude that in the future it will expand beyond that. Virtual reality is something that YouTube is already experimenting with, giving a variety of experiences including viewing concerts, participating in sports, and taking virtual safari tours.

Social Media Trends are Changing

However, they continue to do so. Small beginnings characterize enduring trends. For this reason, it's important to have an ear to the ground on social media and keep an eye out for business prospects.

But be careful not to overextend yourself. Focus on a few trends that you can include in your marketing strategy and execute them well. Pay attention to your audiences while determining what works for you and your company.

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