

Top 12 Ways to Write Engaging Social Posts That Audiences Will Love


The popularity of the content you upload has a direct impact on how successful you are on social media. For small businesses, however, creating effective, high-performing content poses a variety of difficulties. It takes time, is competitive, and should ideally improve the consumer experience.


Content strategies typically feature a diverse mix of content kinds to help overcome these obstacles. Your audience will have a more engaging experience if you use a wide range of these 12 different styles in your marketing plan.

The benefits and drawbacks of each approach utilized by social media and content marketers, as well as information on how to create them and the best platforms for them, are listed below:


1. Spark Inspiration


The hashtag #MondayMotivation is not offensive. Profit from the different inspirational hashtags available or come up with some of your own. People value receiving wise counsel in the morning, especially if it comes from senior executives with extensive industry knowledge. Your audience will be more motivated and motivated to act if you use motivational quotations and phrases in your social media posts.

Here is an illustration of Marketo's Fearless Marketing approach in action. You may find fresh motivational content every Monday along with unique hashtags like #Fearless50, #MondayMotivation, and #FearlessMarketer. Take note of the effective and straightforward use of strong words to evoke strong feelings.

2. Drive Audience Interactions 

Suppose you went on a date with someone who just spoke about themselves. Embarrassing, impolite, and self-centered, perhaps? Social media follows the same logic. It goes without saying that social media is not a broadcast platform where you can gush about your product or service all day; rather, it is a place where you must constantly engage with your audience.

Writing social media posts that ask for responses, feedback, and thoughts can be a terrific conversation starter. You might link to a Google Survey or post a Twitter poll.

Additionally, marketing solutions for social media management make sure you may publish frequently to increase visibility and drive sales automatically.

3. Use Emojis Creatively

When it comes to making amusing social posts, emojis are the rulers of the land. They inject humor and individuality into your posts. If you effectively harness their influence, you'll be able to connect with your audience on a whole new emotional level. Fun emoji statistics

💬 Facebook Messenger users send 5 billion emojis every single day.

📸 Emojis were used in half of all Instagram comments by the middle of 2015

🍑 The peach emoji is only used by 7% of users as a fruit (Come on! Recognize that it resembles a butt)

You're misusing this tool and looking like a cheeseball, Larry Kim will tell you, so please refrain from replacing every word with happy faces and hearts. For your reference, here is a quote from Larry, who, come to think of it, is a brilliant emoji marketer who made the unicorn emoji his own branded symbol.

4. Keep it Simple Silly

As they say, never tell a story that can be told in 30 seconds in 30 minutes. Give it a shot even if it could be difficult, to sum up, a really great topic in only five words. You have a much better chance of getting those likes, shares, and clicks with just one brief line that piques your audience's interest.

You can count on Jeff Bullas, a legendary marketing specialist, to write in this manner. He merely copied and pasted the article's headline into the social media posts, but any competent marketer understands that the headline is the focus of fantastic content.


5. Make Lists

This is a simple trick to make your social media material interesting right now (and readable). Try condensing the most important details from a blog post, eBook, or webinar into a few bullet points. This method is fantastic on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Don't forget to experiment with the numbers or any other convincing facts. They will click to read the whole article if they believe your snippet to be interesting. an example of a business that has successfully pulled this off; to promote the debut of their new product, they compiled a list of frequently asked questions.

Digital marketing or online marketing refers to all marketing efforts that occur on the internet.

6. Show Empathy

Writing social media content requires you to immediately address the most pressing requirements and problems of your audience. What makes their job or sector so difficult, and how can you position yourself to be the hero or the fixer? Using pronouns like "you" or "your" to address your audiences directly will help you be more empathic.

The better you understand your target audience and develop your content personas, the more effectively you may speak to those challenging and strained areas. Being empathetic is a great skill that can gain you significant engagement points.


7. Instill a Sense of Urgency!

Urgency. You can easily add this effective persuasion technique into your social media postings to compel readers to take the desired action. Classic examples of urgency-driven marketing include advertising time-sensitive giveaways or urging your audience to "reserve a space before tickets run out." However, they are not required to be as clear. As long as you maintain strong momentum, urgency will inevitably be present. Other ways to create urgency include showing your effect or turning a challenge into an opportunity.


8. Emphasize the Benefits

This may sound obvious, but B2B marketers should always show their audience what they stand to gain from your content when producing social media postings. Instead of creating social media posts like "This is a rad article, read it now!" you should focus on what the audience will learn from the article and how it might assist them in overcoming their difficulties.


9. Flash the Numbers

A brain loves numbers, particularly the brains of C-level executives. In addition to highlighting your worth to customers, using numbers in your social media postings ensures that they will pay close attention to you.

Consider the headline of this post, "12 Ways to Write Engaging Social Posts," as one example. But it said, "How to Write Engaging Social Posts," didn't it? The message appears less persuasive, believable, and structured right away. People are naturally trained to anticipate a readable piece of content when they see a number rather than a long scroll of text.


10. It’s OK to Be Negative

Social media messages that are critical are effective. Highlighting their mistakes is acceptable because your audience is aware that life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Make them feel as though they are sharing a bad experience by making references to the main problems or errors in their sector.

The idea is to be clear and concise; don't be afraid to state the facts, even if they are unappealing. Humans are actually psychologically wired to avoid losses since losing $5 is more frustrating than finding $5 is satisfying.

Neil Patel is the king of negative marketing; he is adept at hitting the right buttons and capturing readers' attention with his blunt honesty.

11. Focus on Industry Leaders

Not all marketing is about promoting yourself. Making a compelling argument frequently requires the assistance of reputable industry leaders. These could be organizations or people that are already well-known on social media and are regarded as "think leaders" in a specific field.

By doing this, you can convince audiences that your ideas are shared by industry titans and even put them into practice yourself, giving your social media posts credibility.

12. Be a Little Playful

Don't be too serious with yourself. A little comedy and mischief might make people smile and pay attention to your social media posts. There are many ways to be playful without trying too hard, whether it be with a pun, amusing gif, or humorous hyperbole.

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Social Posts: It’s All About the Engagement

Your audience engagement can be impacted by your social media updates. Have you actually shared your company's postings if no one is responding to them?

Diversification is the answer; test the effects of various iterations of the same post. Perhaps "negativity" resonates best with your LinkedIn audience, whilst your Twitter crowd prefers "empathy" and "playfulness." You'll never know which method works best unless you try out many techniques.

In the end, you should rely on facts rather than gut instinct to identify your top-performing communications and enable you to replicate that performance. To evaluate, report, and improve your social postings across all metrics, try out our B2B social media management software, which provides a world-class social analytics suite.

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